
Sorry for the gap in posts but I found myself in unfamiliar territory a place without internet.....
Rest assured I kept myself busy .... and now I m BACK.....

We had a bit of a later start today which was a shame, the heat really ramped up and it limited what we would be able to do. 

We headed out to Kuta-Tjuta to explore this beautiful sacred site . I m really glad that the day before we had taken the helicopter ride the day before, it really is the best way to get an understanding of this area.  The words Kuta Tjuta mean many heads and from the air , you could really see why it earned this name. 

From the air though you really don’t concept of just how big this area is . 

We decided to do the ..... walk as it was a pretty short walk and it was pretty hot by the time we arrived at the car park, also the car park for the other walks were totally full. 

So we took a short walk up into the gorge.  The Rick of Kuta Tjuta is not just sandstone like Uluru but an amalgamation of small rocks fused together to create the stone.  

After Our visit to Kuta Tjuta we headed to the cultural centre to gain a better understanding of the aboriginal story of Uluru. Sadly I could take photos inside, but if you are interested in the stories of Uluru 

You can read them hear at this website

The stories of Kuta-Tjuta are so sacred that they are not told to visitors.

À bientôt



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