come undone

In  my last post i made the comment, i feel like there is always something new to learn
i just wish it wasn't always by my mistakes . . . . . 

around a year ago i started this quilt, Durlindana
 i have slowly plodded along making the blocks,
 being a little pedantic about my seams and points ect . . . . 
finally i had it all together 
sooo i bought my backing and batting and 

took my quilt to my local quilt group on Friday night so the girls could help me batt it up
only to discover . . . . 

. . . . This . . . .
my borders had rippled, i am pretty sure it is because my bias cut triangles have stretched

some of the girls said it would quilt up okay and probably not be noticeable 
but i don't want to look at this quilt and always think

. . . . . hmm the borders are bodggy . . . . 

plus the edges wouldn't lie flat

so i set to work this morning with an unpicker and the offending borders were removed
(it was only two)

(super sad face)

now . . . . i really don't want to unpick the triangles too

has anyone got any suggestions as to how i can unstretch my bias triangles ???

hope your hands are working on something that you love
(and not reverse sewing like me)



Fiona said…
Oh I feel sad for you... unpicking is so not fun especially when you are so close to the end... I have no idea how to unstretch bias... I hope you get some good ideas... I would probably try a little bit of gentle gathering and then put in one of those peeper strips to hide it if needed ... but that is purely a guess...
jfoster8 said…
Hi Trish,
I agree with the suggestion to run a line of tacking along stretched edge and gently gather in ...make sure you measure the border lengths and cut them to size....and as a last resort once you have batted up and pinned/tacked and stabalised quilt, to gently steam the offending area with the will shrink the area slightly.
good luck
oh bugger...........sorry can't help..........would have helped with the reverse sewing but can't help with the problem.........would like to know the answer though.......
quilterliz said…
G'day Trish. What a nuisance to have that happen. When I first read your post, I too, thought it might have been the borders not being measured and cut to size that caused your problem, but I also know that the triangles are prone to stretch easily. It happened to me some years ago with setting triangles that I had used. The lady who was quilting the top for me assured me she could quilt it out, but I ended up unpicking the two triangles that had stretched and replacing them.Good luck. I hope you can find a solution. Take care. Liz...
Hi Trish,
I tend to agree with others....a gathering thread, lightly steam iron being careful not to develop folds, and measure and cut your borders to fit each side. If you quilt the stretched triangles, such as heavily stippling them it will draw them in too.....go on you can do it!!!!'s the new machine??.......hope you keep at your quilt and get it finished.....
Jenny said…
Oh No Trish. I have no answer either but when you measured your quilt border did you measure through the middle or along the edge.The middle is the best way, so I am told. Good luck
Jenny said…
Oh No Trish. I have no answer either but when you measured your quilt border did you measure through the middle or along the edge.The middle is the best way, so I am told. Good luck

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