
Time is something i have long lamented
that i just don't have enough of

i know, i know....... this is a common complaint

but really where is the year going, 

it feels like i was only packing up the Christmas decorations
i have sooo. . . . many projects in my basket 
i had hoped this year would be the year to finish some projects
but it's not looking good
i think it was a month or more ago i retreived
Miss S'  s quilt out to work on and i haven't 
done a stitch . . . . 

and the new project itch is starting
but i really really must 
. . . . re . . si . . st . . . .
does it count as a new project if i bought the fabric before christmas?

(sorry common side effect, known commonly as night dutyitis)

i have had busy hands though trying to catch up with my 
stitch a-long
you probably all remember i was a bit of a late starter

i have completed my
first March block for the stitch a long 

my first May Block

my second March block

don't they look great
i must admit i am unsure how they will look altogether, the 
fabric colours are way outside my square 
but they are fun to stitch

 . . . .  i see red , i see red i seee red . . . 

so that's a grand total of 
five totally completed

one stitched 
(the second March block)
and on the sewing table
and  the last of the March blocks has been started

hope your hands are bust stitching something that you 



Lyn said…
I can appreciate your feelings about 'time' as well. If you bought the fabric last year it could be a work in progress perhaps! I have lots of them!! LOL

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